Cumulative Value in Small Amounts of Reading Time

Cumulative Value in Small Amounts of Reading Time

Reading books stacked on a beach

Time can either be an enemy or an ally, magnifying the margin between success and failure – how we choose to spend or not spend our time has consequences.”

James Clear, Author of “Atomic Habits

by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D.

Putting off your professional reading until “you have more time” will actually set you back as your peers bolt forward.

Reading expert and founder of From the Green Notebook, Joe Byerly underscores that “There is a cumulative value to investing small amounts of time in self-study over a long period of time. Professional reading requires our time and should be looked at as an investment rather than a waste. There is a cumulative effect when we invest small amounts of time in reading. And there is also a cumulative effect when we neglect it.”

What is your summer reading plan?

  • Set a self-reading goal,
  • As a mentor share your reads with others,
  • Always read with a critical eye to determine what’s worth retaining and why, what’s not and why?

Summer Reading Suggestions*

Here are a dozen great reads to kick off your summer reading program. How many have you already read?

Seeing What Isn’t There – A Leader’s Guide to Creating Change in a Complex World

Change is the constant force present in today’s volatile, ambiguous, complex and hyper-competitive global environment. Seeing What Isn’t There provides leaders at all organizational levels proven methods to shape change while positioning teams for immediate improvements and enduring success.

Range – Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

Range – defined as more diverse experience across multiple fields – is more relevant in today’s society than specialization because the wicked problems of the modern world requires bridging experience and knowledge from multiple fields to foster solutions.

The Servant Leader – How to Build a Creative Team, Develop Great Morale, and Improve Bottom-Line Performance

The principles of servant leadership transform an organization with morale problems into a great place to work. Practiced by one-third of the companies on Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” list, servant leadership remains a thriving philosophy.

The Boys in the Boat

Alignment and grit can move a team from routine to significance. Learn how to thrive when each contributes with their best contributing to the overall performance of the team.

The Talent War: How Special Operations and Great Organizations Win on Talent

Critical insights into what it actually takes to recruit and retain the best talent for your organization in today’s VUCA environment.

How to Think Like a Roman Emperor – the Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius

Weaving the life and philosophy of Marcus Aurelius to provide a compelling modern-day guide to the Stoic wisdom followed by countless individuals throughout the centuries as a path to achieving greater fulfillment and emotional resilience.

The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness

What makes great leaders great, along with the gaps that stand between leaders and their greatness. Guide for leaders at all levels to have greater impact on their people, their customers, and their companies.

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, And The New World Order

Artificial intelligence is reshaping the world and is causing an economic upheaval with the new technology it is generating.

Prepared for a Purpose: The Inspiring True Story of How One Woman Saved an Atlanta School Under Siege

A true story of how one woman with courage rewrote the ending of a tragic situation. Through her own life lessons from her crucibles, it was her character, grace, and values – her leadership foundation – that significantly drove change for her school, its people, and her.

The Dichotomy Of Leadership: Balancing The Challenges Of Extreme Ownership To Lead And Win

Principles to guide leaders as they struggle with balancing people, balancing the mission, and balancing yourself.

The Leader’s Bookshelf

Responses from exceptionally successful leaders who identified the top fifty books that can help virtually anyone become a better leader. Each of the works–novels, memoirs, biographies, autobiographies, management publications–are summarized, and the key leadership lessons extracted and presented.

Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know

We don’t have to believe everything we think or internalize everything we feel. If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom.

*Note: Chambers Bay Institute has no affiliation, nor do they endorse any of the books listed above other than Seeing What Isn’t There. The list is not an all-inclusive suggested list, but a variety of interesting readings that may enhance a leaders self-development program.