The Institute for Leadership and Strategic Studies (ILSS), University of North Georgia (UNG), now features Chambers Bay Institute’s Leadership Blogs on its website. Available to students, faculty & staff, and to the public, this provides access to current and relevant resources for those with an interest in current leadership trends and experiences provided by practitioners. […]
“If you are not willing to have hard conversations, you shouldn’t be in a position of leadership. It’s that simple.” – John Maxwell by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. Embrace A Mutual Purpose Leaders who avoid difficult conversations are failing the individual, their team, and possibly the entire organization. To be a leader, one […]
Resilient Leaders – Resilient Teams “Leaders feel pressure to bolster others’ resilience, but they should not underestimate the importance of their own leadership resilience. It is important that leaders maintain good habits and make positive lifestyle choices because this will have a ripple effect across the organization. “ – Shelley Winter by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. You’ve Seen […]
The Texas State University Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) program has selected the recent Chambers Bay Institute article, “Earn Trust with a Virtual Workforce”, as their newest graduate student reading. One of leaders’ greatest challenges is dealing with a remote workforce. This article brings the reality of today’s workplace to these graduate students who must […]
Earn Trust with a Virtual Workforce “Trust. Clarity. Vision. Focus on these to make your virtual team more effective.” ~George Bradt by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. Earn Trust How do leaders of a remote workforce earn trust and develop team engagement without being physically present? This is a question that so many have […]
As an Integrator Leader, it is important to take time to read, think, plan. As we take time to “think”, this should include reflection. Integrator Leaders “think out loud with their teams” and are open to thoughtful discussions with them. Today, these types of discussions are more important than ever as we work in a mix of on-site, hybrid, and […]
“Culture drives behavior and behavior drives habits. It’s not the numbers that drive the people but the people that drive the numbers.” Jon Gordon by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. Leaders Drive Culture; But Everyone Must Own It Effective leaders influence to achieve desired outcomes and it must begin with culture. Leaders develop and drive the […]
New Book Release! We are pleased to announce that our submission has been accepted and is included as the chapter Leading Humans in the Age of AI – Why We Need Integrator Leaders, in the newly released book “Solider-Leaders in the Age of AI”. LaRue and Solomon explore the challenges that leaders will face as […]
Cumulative Value in Small Amounts of Reading Time “Time can either be an enemy or an ally, magnifying the margin between success and failure – how we choose to spend or not spend our time has consequences.” James Clear, Author of “Atomic Habits” by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. Putting off your professional reading until “you have […]
Influence “Leadership is influence, nothing more nothing less.” – John Maxwell by: Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. Integrator Leaders understand that they must lead through influence. They do so by creating a clear compass heading for their team, while helping them develop the map to get from here to there. As the leader, your […]
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