by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. Is your team committed – to each other? As a leader, are you creating a culture based on values and character? Is your team’s philosophy “We not Me”? Integrator Leaders Shape a Culture of We, not Me As Simon Sinek says, “Culture = Values x Behavior. Only when we take our […]
• by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. • The most complex challenges we face today cannot be solved by any single individual or functional group – we need integrated solutions. If we want to create integrated solutions, we need to first know what we need from each other to be successful. This includes asking your team what they […]
• by Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. and Jim Solomon • The COVID-19 Pandemic presents a unique opportunity to “reboot” our cities – how do we want them to look, feel, and function differently this time? Our vision is for a built environment designed around and for the human, where people can live, work, and play, with renewable […]
We are frequently asked “who needs a leadership coach?” The answer is simple…. Everyone needs a coach! Just like professional athletes, behind the best leaders are great coaches. Leaders throughout government, the military, private sector, and non-profits today follow a similar philosophy. They know that in today’s competitive world, to be the best they can […]
• by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. • “Integrator Leaders possess the unique ability to see what isn’t there, channeling the collective energy of others to make their vision a reality. Simply stated, leadership is about leading change. Rather than engaging in futile attempts to manage, adapt to, or resist change, Integrator Leaders help their teams to build […]
… A Barometer on the Quality of Your Team by Jim Solomon and Bruce LaRue, Ph.D. The quickest way to gain a barometer on the quality and capability of your team is to ask yourself: “Who would I rehire tomorrow?” Think about those you would not rehire and the reason why you would not rehire them. Ask […]
Creating High Performing Teams in Distributed Organizations Today’s organizations are increasingly composed of individuals and teams that are geographically dispersed. Whether you lead a team of workers that telecommute part of the week or an entirely distributed organization, this article gives practical techniques for developing teams that can achieve superior results. Teams learn to self-organize […]
Chamber’s Bay Institute’s web presence is undergoing a refresh thanks to the help of the milMedia Group team. Our previous site served us and our clients well, now we provide additional style and functionality that didn’t exist before.
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